All about GSAT
Why is GSAT training required?
EU and Department for Transport legislation states that all staff who require access to the Security Restricted Area (that is who require an airside staff pass) must first attend General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) run by a DfT approved training provider. The DfT have specified the scope and content of the training and the qualifications and experience of the course designers and instructors.
All the following staff who are required to work airside (i.e. in the Security Restricted Area) must have a valid GSAT Certificate gained by completing this course and passing the test.
Staff in scope include, for example, airside office workers, airline and other operational staff who go airside, including passenger staff, cargo staff, drivers, engineering and maintenance staff, loaders, refuellers etc. Also all commercial staff who work in the SRA including shop, catering, and service staff in departure and arrivals areas, and the staff who maintain the shops and facilities. In short all staff other than those listed below who require an airside pass.
The Certificate is valid for five years, or where the airport or circumstances require it to be renewed within a shorter period.
Background/pre-employment check
Current EU regulations require that before anyone can undergo security training they must have successfully completed a background/pre-employment check. The employer, or prospective employer, will do this check as part of the process of applying for an airside pass for the employee/subcontractor.
We need confirmation that this security check has been completed as part of the booking process.
Who is exempt?
The following personnel are exempt from General Security Awareness Training if they have already received equivalent Directed security training:
- Ground Security Staff and Supervisors
- Aviation Security Managers and Instructors
- Aircrew and Aircrew Instructors
- In-Flight Caterers (who have attended catering security training)
- Cargo Operatives who have received Cargo Aviation Security Principles (CASP) Training